
CBS don't care

CBS's success is a slap in the face of reason and logic. I realize that statement is news to absolutely no one but it gets better...

Recently a group of WWII Veterans, to honor the 70th anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor, traveled to Hawaii where their attempt at holding a ceremony at the National Cemetery of the Pacific was repeatedly interrupted by the cast and crew of the CBS 'hit show' "Hawaii Five-O". They reportedly traipsed around the cemetery, refused to stand for the Star Spangled Banner, and even shushed a group of veterans. So the veterans, solidifying their reputation as the greatest generation, did what "Community" fans everywhere have been doing since last Thursday. They gave CBS the bird:

The obscene gesture was delivered in unison from a bus as they were leaving, and left them all in stitches of laughter.

Mr Tubbs said: ‘This was immature of me, but I said, “Gentlemen, if you so choose, how about we give them one big one-fingered military salute?”’

The last thing the production crew saw, he said, was a bunch of 90-year-old men flipping the bird at them. ‘It was one of the priceless moments of my life.’The Daily Mail

Great move CBS, alienate 70% of your viewing audience. Now all you need to do is shush a group of NASCAR fans and the Blog Name TBA mission statement will be realized!

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