
There is no justice in TV Land

No, I'm not referring to the fact that executives at Nickelodeon consider The Nanny to be an important enough part of television history to put it on the same channel as Three's Company, Sanford and Son, and All in the Family; I'm talking about shows that tragically didn't feature enough Jim Belushi or Ray Romano for America's liking and ended too soon.

Yes, I know that doing a list is another lazy way to get page views. Oh, did you think I was going to attempt to dispute the fact that I'm a lazy blogger?

Now, to the list!

# 6 Grounded for Life 2001-2005: I realize this is a little sitcommy for this site but I refuse to apologize. Grounded was a fantastic show that was at times well written and I find Donal Logue extremely funny. Also Lynsey Bartilson, if you're not doing anything, call me.

# 5 Terriers 2010: This fantastic drama about a pair of semi lowlifes that start their own PI business never had a chance. The name of the show and strange promos that FX aired buried it before it even began. Before anyone says anything, yes I know that's two Donal Logue shows in a row. I promise you it's the last, mainly because he's only done like two things in the past 10 years.

# 4 Reaper 2007-2009: This short lived Fox sitcom was about a guy that gets his soul sold to the devil before he's born. When he turns 18 he becomes a bounty hunter for the devil, collecting lost souls and bringing them to a portal to hell. It was a wonderfully dark comedy that apparently didn't have enough Charlie Sheen for America.

# 3 Sports Night 1998-2000: After the first season network execs forced the show to add a laugh track because apparently America needs to be told when to laugh. "I love me some of that Raymond show! The TV laughs with me!"

# 2 Freaks and Geeks 1999-2000: Judd Apatow's brilliant show about the lives of a handful of 1980's high schoolers lasted 18 episodes before it got the axe. According to Jim went nine seasons. I just threw up a little on my keyboard.

# 1 Arrested Development 2003-2006: Some wounds never heal.

1 comment:

  1. WAIT........you HATE Everybody Loves Raymond?!?!?!? I may have to unfriend you on facebook. This is unacceptable. That is one of the funniest shows EVER!!!! Bill, your killing me!!! :(
