
One man's trash is another man's reality show

I can't even make eye contact with the homeless guy under the overpass.

By now I'm sure you've all seen the commercials for the new season of "Pawn Stars". It features the 'stars' of the show signing autographs and meeting 'fans' of the show in a way that doesn't feel forced or contrived, at all! I won't dwell too much on the commercial, that's a subject better left for my friend over at Rerunguy.com, my issue is with the fact that our society has become so horribly dull that we are now airing shows like "Pawn Stars" and "American Pickers" in which people become famous by digging through other people's trash. And before anyone freaks out, yes I realize "Pawn Stars" is about white trash digging through the pawn shops of America but whether you throw things away by selling them to a pawn shop or abandoning them in a storage locker...you still didn't want or need them and therefore they are trash.

There was a guy in the town I grew up in who dug through dumpsters all day and night, his name was Dumpster Diving Dave (I was 13, creativity wasn't my strong suit yet) and he was homeless. Poor bastard was so far ahead of his time... Come to think of it, I have his autograph, I wonder if it's worth anything. Wait, what were we talking about?

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