
The Internets Love Community

BOOM! What now CBS??? Check this shit out:

"Community", yes that's right "Community" won a fan based award. Over 300k people went to TV Guide's Facebook and voted and look who came out on top. Yea! Where's your Jon Cryer now??

What's that you say? He's still making a bajillion dollars an episode and living in a four story mansion made entirely of melted down Emmys...

So you're saying this award means next to nothing and "Community" will still probably get cancelled because the antiquated relic that is the Nielsen System still hasn't been updated to take into account people watching TV online? Great. Excuse me while I put my fist through plate glass.


  1. Neilsen doesn't take DVR'ed shows to be watched later, do they?

  2. I used to work for Nielsen..they ask people to keep "diaries" of what they watch on television and the times in which they watch. Their system seriously needs to be updated! I love your blog..it's hilarious:))

  3. I read somewhere that Nielsen now includes DVR'd programs in their calculations. I know they don't count it as a full viewer, only a percentage.

    And Thank You Cady!
