In the November sweep, CBS’ “Late Show with David Letterman” beat NBC’s “Tonight Show with Jay Leno” among adults 18 to 49 for the first time since 1994, according to Nielsen. Letterman scored a 0.9 rating over Leno’s 0.8.LA Times
David Letterman, clearly the funnier of the two major network late night hosts, broke a 17 year Nielsen losing streak to finally beat out comedy's cancer, Jay Leno.
This is awesome but not. It's great because for once the Nielsen Family got something somewhat right. Jay Leno is a horribly unfunny jackass and is the reason Conan O'Brien has been cast down into the land where funny goes to die, TBS. The unawesome part is that Jon Stewart came in behind both these guys with a 0.7 Nielsen score.
Now don't get me wrong, I enjoy naked cell phone pictures of Kat Dennings and Scarlett Johansen just as much as the next guy but would it be a crime if our nation's hackers went after the Nielsen boxes and fixed everything?
Oh it would? Forget I said anything then.
Everyone knows Leno blows.