
A little dose of fanboy love

I don't want anyone to get the idea that this blog is all about hate. It isn't. That's just one of its many wonderful qualities.

According to a few very reputable TV news sites, including one of my favorites Warming Glow the next season of NBCs Community will include multi story arcs featuring Omar from HBOs The Wire, which as far as I'm concerned is one of the only cop dramas to do it well and everyone's favorite gun wielding converted Jewish bowler John Goodman.

*excited fanboy squeal*

Normally the only time a show floods its already established cast of characters with easily recognizable names is when things have begun to go downhill.
'Next, an all new The Simpsons featuring...Rush Limbaugh!' Ugh.
But the people that brought us the Goodfellas episode, the Dungeons and Dragons episode, and not one but two epic paintball episodes will only hit this out of the ballpark. Besides Betty White's guest starring role as the Anthro professor was really well done.

I should probably take a step back here because if I'm not careful this can easily turn into a blog all about Community then it's just a short drive to becoming an Alison Brie fansite and that is clearly in violation of the terms of the restraining order.

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